Remaining independent as we age

Remaining Independent as we age 


Many elderly people increase their risk of disability by being sedentary; especially low income folks who have fewer options than those who fare better in retirement.  Walking cost little though and a study conducted at the University of Georgia showed that older adults could decrease their risk of disability by almost half!  


So why do they not?  Is it a lack of understanding or a lack of will? It was found that folks who walked 40 minutes three times a week increased their oxygen uptake 19% and physical function 25%.  So by walking they had more energy, and functioned better generally.


Changing behaviors is difficult, but the social and medical benefits of making simple changes have a significant effect on our health and lower health costs to taxpayers as well. It seems to me that every hospital, inpatient, outpatient rehab facility, skilled nursing facility [15,000 of them] in the country would benefit by having a walking program and promote walking in their home-care programs too.  We know that a few do that; but only a few.  Is it because disability and it’s continuing is a good business for them - I hope not and I know most of the physical therapists and occupational therapists I have spoken with around the country really, really, want their patients to become well.


This is why I began the development of our LifeWalker; to help people walk safer, longer, and with greater health.

1 comentario

Waters George

I have your walker David and I can say it’s the best, it allows me to walk more then before.

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